So 2 weekends ago (you know that one when it was pouring down rain?) Bear, Jon, Em and I were off meeting Aksel but Jeff was hard at work. We (and I say "we" here because even though I was not up there in the rain, I did put my time in - ie 10:00pm stapling paper the Thursday night prior and who do you think picked up every single one of the old shingles?). Anyway, "we" put up a new roof. The roof was in OK shape...but it would probably be something to haggle over if we were to sell in the next few years. Honestly, my husband amazes me, he works so hard and it constantly surprises me that not only does he actually know what he is doing, but he does it all really, really well. Anyway, the "we" above also includes more that just Jeff and me. The brothers pitched in to help - thanks Jay and Eric!
The "we" also includes Kyle...I don't even pretend to understand the weird and complex friendship between those two and why Kyle would voluntarily subject himself to roofing on a rainy Saturday with Jeff. After subjecting Jeff to an urban study on Kyle's amazing friendship, I remain just as confused as ever (men!) there was no exchange of labor, cash, wrestling singlets circa new years eve 2004, or even deep conversation, just beer and really, really hard work - in the rain. Regardless, I am so grateful and my 'ode to Kyle and his pumpkin moving, self portrait snapping, ultimate wrestling, clean house keeping, dirty story telling, cougar loving, and now roofing continues...Thanks Kyle!
Ladies...did I mention he is really funny?