Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter

Abe enjoyed some old school egg coloring last week, though he was more interested in the plastic eggs that Papa and Nana filled with M&M's and hid around their house on Easter morning.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sweden, Finland & Estonia

I owed Jeff a cold weather vacation so after a lot of talking (or not talking, hence the need for some quality 1:1 time) we decided it was time for a child free adventure. It was tough to leave Abe but he was in good hands (thanks everyone!) and we spent some quality time obsessing over him and entrenched in toddler self-help books.

We started by spending a few days in Sweden (or as Jeff refers to it “the motherland”) Stockholm is a beautiful city (definitely on our top 5 “We could live here” cities). We then hopped an overnight cruise to Estonia via Finland; we indulged in the smorgasbord, partied with some Brazilians and got very little sleep. We loved our first two days in Estonia so much we stayed another night – you love birds take note: Estonia is very romantic. We then headed to Helsinki where I discovered my love for the Finish – sweets, treats and candy are ingrained in their culture and I ate it up (seriously, there were a lot of fikka breaks!) We then hopped over to Amsterdam where we had the most amazing last “date” and now we are now headed home to see the little man.

It was a great trip and we had a fabulous time - below are a few pictures (a bit random, but for some reason those are the ones that make me smile).

The Vasa is hard to describe and capture on camera but it was amazing!

The view from on our boat to Estonia - yes, those are icebergs.

The smorgasbord....was a bit crazy - but so good.

Does this one really need a caption?

The typical Estonian mullet.

Jeff's birthday dinner was at the nicest restaurant, but I
could not get over the sign - nope, no eggs on the menu!

The night sky in Tallinn is truly that blue, at midnight.


Totally random but a great memory - oh late night
desserts and coffee...please come back to my life soon.

A little subliminal messaging in Helsinki.

View from our late night stroll in Amsterdam.