Saturday, February 13, 2010

I know where everything is except my sanity...

The refrigerator is in the living room.
The oven is in the dining room.
The pots and pans are in the nursery.
My sanity.... MIA

To bring some balance to the situation Ken and Sue came down on Wednesday; Ken did some painting and Sue brought dinner. Aren't they cute?

Ken pulling a line (NOT drawing a line)

Sue helping out!
This week we also tackled one our least favorite home improvement project: dry wall (I'll mud if you sand?)



Somewhere between Bear getting sick and moving out of the house (thanks Bette Jo!) we had Jeff's friend come in and refinish the kitchen floor (the rest of the floors will get finished next month).

Kitchen Floor Before (kind of)

Kitchen Floor Before

Kitchen Floor After

Up next? Moving back in and cabinets.


  1. Can you say TALENT! Looking good. And somehow you manage to look great while doing it all :)

  2. I'm seriously impressed guys! Great Job! I can't even pick out a paint color for our kitchen....struggling!
