This weekend we strolled through one of our favorite neighborhoods filled with these:
Abe has now perfected the army crawl and has started teetering on all fours:
Abe is still not too interested in eating solids, so Uncle Jay came over as a guest presenter (it worked!) If you are interested in being a dinner or lunch presenter let us know!
This was the first oops, Jeff had ordered, cleaned, primed and painted our 4 glass backsplashes for the kitchen (kind of different, yes, but similar to what we did in our last house) but the color --- hmmm... it doesn't look bright turquoise below (but it was!!) and disney turquoise was not the color I was going for. Like most experienced do-it-your-selfers we skipped the screaming match and opted for the tense but rational "discussion" on the cost and time and effort and craziness and frustration of doing it all over again. In the end I decided that I was willing to burn my retinas every time I walked into the kitchen.
5 minutes later the second oops. With the largest of the 4 pieces out for the count, and another intense stare down, we "agreed" that if I couldn't live with the color then I would do the work. So I stripped the 3 remaining sheets, cleaned and primed them and oh..picked another color.
I can't even begin to bore you with how complicated it is to choose a color. The tempered glass and the primer distorts the color, so any color you paint on one of the glass will appear totally different on the other side - a yellow looks green and a grey color can look blue or a totally normal nice green can look turquoise. Let me complicate this a little more: we also have built-in shelves in the kitchen that I want to paint the same color as the backsplash, oh and I also blew my budget on the first round of paint and samples. So, I created my own color with all of our other cans of "oops" paint. It was so fun and not frustrating a bit...can't you tell?
Jeff took a little pity on me and put the last coat of paint on them so Round 2 is drying right now! Hopefully we will have pictures up of the final product soon.