Saturday, August 7, 2010


Bear spent a few months doing the what we referred to as the Army Crawl

He graduated to the Wounded Soldier for a few weeks

Then went on to All 4's

Shortly after that he started The Proposer

Now...he walks! Well kind of... It has taken me a few weeks
just to snap a socially acceptable pic because so far
Bear is only trying to walk in very dangerous places
and of course, he refuses to walk on command.


  1. So stinkin cute! I am sure Abe is really keeping you busy now that he can get himself wherever he needs to go.

    PS - Love the Carharts :)

  2. It kills me with how fast these kids are growing! We need to get together soon. August is pretty slow for us. We could also head to Bow if you are hanging around there.

  3. Yay Abe! I can't believe how big he has gotten since February! He is truly becoming a little boy!

  4. What a cutie pie! I love it! It's all over once they start walking.... :)We need to get together!

  5. adorable! I can't wait to see him chasing his cousins in a few weeks! -kel

  6. Wow, way to go Abe! I can't believe what a big boy he is now and how much older he looks. Cute, cute, cute!
